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To finalize your upgrade from Accengage to Airship, it’s important to contact your Accengage users saying that a new version of your app is available. Then, your transition to Airship will go faster.
All steps detailed in this article need to be completed on the Accengage platform.
Targeting on the application version
For this upgrade campaign, you will want to segment your audience based on the app version. You will need to exclude users who have already downloaded the Airship app version. Then, you want to target all the previous versions which integrate the Accengage SDK.
To do so, please go to the Targeting > Segment section. You can create a new “campaign” segment and add as criteria “Build version" (on Android) or “App version” (on iOS).
You can then select “different from” and add the ID of your last version. To validate this segment, please click on “add to the segment” and save it.

On iOS, the application version format available in Accengage is the same as the one available on the app store. However, on Android, the application version format corresponds to the version of the bundle. This is the ID, given by your technical team, to the version of the application. Your engineering team should be able to provide you the bundle ID you're looking for.
Then, to make sure that you exclude the right application version, we recommend downloading the app on the store and checking the value on our Test Tools. To do this, please go to the Help tab > Test Tool and enter your device ID.
Create a new message and select in-app message
Select a message style
On Accengage, you can create an in-app campaign to encourage users to update the app. We recommend using an in-app automation message rather than a push notification. In-app messages are more relevant in this context because they are more prominent to the user and displayed when the user is using the app. Moreover, users will be directly impacted by the message content and display.
For doing so, please go to “Actions”, select “In-app message”, and click on “new in-app”.

Message content
Message settings
Add the name of your campaign as “Upgrade In-app Campaign” for instance.

Triggers: Select which conditions may trigger your message
You can specify a start date and an end date for your in-app message. The start date can be the date when your first Airship app was released on the store.
Then, you can configure the maximum number of displays and the minimum time between displays according to your needs. We recommend setting at least 1 display per week.
We also recommend putting this message to Priority 1 and checking persistent message to ensure that it is displayed.
As we want every Accengage app user to be targeted, no event or view is needed.

Message Content: Design how your in-app message should be displayed
For the best results, we recommend selecting at the first time the Pop-up format. Below is an example of some content that can be added to this in-app message.

The buttons
In this part, you will have to set up your in-app action. The objective is to facilitate the update for the user. Therefore, we suggest you redirect them to the appropriate app store page. To do this, you can configure two buttons.
Action Button: This will be redirected to the Play/Apple store. Select the action “Click-to-X Store” and define your store URL. For example, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.urbanairship.iceberg&hl=en&gl=US. Even if the action is defined as a web page (http URL), the click will open the store.
Close Button: Select close. The in-app will then be displayed a few days later (according to your capping) if the customer has not yet updated.

Targets: Choose the segments you wish to target with this in-app message
Select the segment you created at the beginning of this article and click on “activate”.

Here is a video that shows how to do those settings on Accengage UI:
Best practices
For an upgrade campaign, use in-app messages rather than push notifications.
The pop-up template is the one we recommend.
Set the redirect link to your store page to make the update easy for the user.
Launch your message as soon as the Airship version of the app is available on the store.
Please feel free to reach out to our Support team if you have any additional questions.