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As soon as you have implemented the combined Airship SDK on your mobile application or your website, you will have profiles on both our platforms, Airship and Accengage. In this article, we give our recommendations to:
Target your entire audience on both platforms
Create reports on your push notifications (sendings and clicks) on Accengage and Airship.
On the Accengage platform, all opted-in users can receive notifications. This includes:
your upgraded users with the combined SDK or users who received push or visited (regarding the browser) your website with the combined SDK,
non-upgraded users with the Accengage SDK or users who did not receive push or did not visit your website with the combined SDK,
new users with the combined SDK.
If you send the message from the Accengage platform, the reporting is available on Accengage:
For upgraded users (who have upgraded your application since the integration of the combined SDK or users who received push or visited your website with the combined SDK - regarding the browser), the sending report is available on the Accengage interface. The clicks won’t be available.
For non-upgraded users, a complete report (sending + clicks) is available on the Accengage interface.
For new users (who have downloaded your application for the first time after the integration of the combined SDK or get opt-in on the website with the combined SDK), the sending report is available on the Accengage interface. The clicks won’t be available.
On the Airship platform, some of your opted-in users can receive notifications. Those users are:
your upgraded users with the combined SDK or users who received push or visited (regarding the browser) your website with the combined SDK,
new users with the combined SDK
If you send your message from the Airship platform, reporting is available on Airship:
For upgraded users (who have upgraded your application since the integration of the combined SDK or users who received push or visited your website with the combined SDK - regarding the browser), a complete report (sending + clicks) is available on the Airship interface.
For new users (who have downloaded your application for the first time after the integration of the combined SDK or get opt-in on the website with the combined SDK), a complete report (sending + clicks) is available on the Airship interface.
Create your segments on both platforms
To get the best reporting, we recommend that you target:
only non-upgraded users profiles or users who did not receive push or did not visit your website with the combined SDK from the Accengage platform,
upgraded users or users who received push or visited (regarding the browser) your website with the combined SDK, and new users from the Airship platform.
On Accengage, to target only non-upgraded users, you can create a segment filtering users based on the app version. To do so, use the criterion “Application Version doesn’t contain” and add the app version in which you implemented the transitional SDK.
On Airship, because you can only reach users with the transitional SDK, you don’t need to target a specific app version.
Please, contact our support team if you have any questions.