Since the majority of users are using Google Chrome as their preferred browser, sometimes the browser itself can be the main reason for the platform to behave improperly.
If you ever experience the platform running slower than usual or messages sent seem to be delayed, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you optimize the system.
Close other tabs (especially those open for CRM)
Close the number of Live Conversations in your queue (it's always a good idea to close conversations that don't need to be open any longer - this will also help agents stay organized)
Limit the number of messages you're sending
Close Google Chrome completely and Restart your Computer (sometimes system RAM is devoting its attention to programs not being utilized, it's always a good idea to allow your computer to start from scratch)
Check your computer technical specifications and make sure you have at least 4GB of internal RAM and a dual-core processor (essentially any computer less than 3 years old will work - if you have an older computer this could be the culprit)
If after these suggestions, the platform is still running improperly please feel free to reach out to our support team.