Using Videos with the Airship Message Composer

This document refers to the Rich App Pages section of our Messages composer.

This article will explain how to:

  • Link to videos within the Message Composer.
  • Use a supported video format.

The Airship Message Composer provides a video template you can use to insert a direct link to play back supported video content within your Rich Page (rich message).  

Supported media types:

Both iOS and Android have different supported media types:

For example: 

  • .webm works on Android but not on iOS.
  • Both Android and iOS support .mp4.
If the type you choose is not supported on the devices you push to, it will show as an unplayable video. You must link directly to a hosted video file. A link to a web page where the video can be played will show as an unplayable video

Exporting videos to support iOS:

For iOS devices, it is possible to use QuickTime X on a Mac to easily export a compatible video. Open your video file in QuickTime X then go to File > Export > iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and Apple TV. This will give a video that is 100% compatible with iOS devices.

A note about YouTube videos:

If you want to use a YouTube embed, use the text template instead, incorporate the provided embed code into an HTML file and use the Upload template. For example:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Whichever direction you choose, it's best practice to test your rich pushes on in-house test devices. This way you can ensure the display is correct prior to sending to your general audience.

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