EN - Performance Analytics - App Healths dashboards

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The purpose of this article is to help you create in Performance Analytics an analysis report of the health of your applications as shown on the Accengage home page.



On Accengage, you can visualize the following data directly on the home page of the interface, or in the application statistics history report :

  • Registered profiles (to date): Number of users (opt-in and opt-out) who have installed and opened the application since the Accengage SDK was implemented.

  • Push opt-in users (to date): All users who accepted to receive push notifications

  • Active users (during the last 30 days): All users (opt-in and opt-out) who opened the application at least once in the last 30 days.

  • Push notifications sent (during the last 30 days): Total number of push messages sent in the last 30 days.

  • Actual profiles: All users who have installed and opened the application since the SDK Accengage was implemented and had no bounce feedback.

  • Opt-out: Number of users who refused to receive push notifications.



You will find below the steps to follow to retrieve this information using Airship’s Performance Analytics. If you want to learn more about this tool, you can start by reading our article Introduction to Performance Analytics.



Overview Dashboard

You can access Performance Analytics from Airship’s GO dashboard. Click on the "reports" tab and then on "Performance Analytics".



The default home page for Performance Analytics is the built-in dashboard “Overview”.



In this dashboard, you can find all the following indicators:

  • Daily Active Users
  • Weekly Active Users
  • Monthly Active Users
  • Users inactive in the last day
  • Users inactive in the last 7 days
  • Users inactive in the last 30 days

If you want to know how those looks are built, you can click on the three-dot icon and select Explore From Here and check how each is composed.

By default, the different dashboards show the data for the last 7 days. On Accengage it is the last 30 days. You have the possibility to change the period by modifying the Date Range filter. We recommend that you select the "Complete days" option in the Date Range section.

“Complete Days” refers to the 24 hour period that begins at 12:00 AM and ends at 11:59 PM.



This dashboard will be composed of several looks, reflecting the sections available on Accengage. According to your needs, you can save independently each look or save your looks directly in the appropriate dashboard.

If you want to go further and recreate the report available on the Accengage interface home page, you will need to create custom dashboards. You will find below the detailed steps to create your dashboard and looks:


Create your custom dashboard

In this section, we will create the Looks we need to create an app health dashboard similar to the home page dashboard on Accengage. When you save the first Look, you can create a new Dashboard “App Health” and add the following Looks to it.


Look 1. Registered users

This look shows how many users are registered to your application.

Go to Shared spaces > Explore Glossary > Audience 

Select your filters: Query Parameters Current Project Onlys ‘is” Yes //  Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional) // #1 Tag group filter “is equal to” Notification Opt-In // #1 Tag name filter “is not null”

Select your dimension and measure: User count

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).

Please note that you can find information on each field by clicking on the icon :info:


Save your modifications as a Look or to a Dashboard by clicking on the cogwheel icon in the right top corner.



Look 2. Opted users

This look shows how many users are opted-in or opted-out of your application/website

Go to Shared spaces > Explore Glossary > Audience 

Select your filters: #1 tag group filter “is equal to” Notification Opt-In // #1 tag name filter “is not null” // Query Parameters Current Project Onlys ‘is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional) // Platform filter “is equal to” Android or iOS (optional)

Select your dimension and measure: #1 tag name // User count
You can also select the “Platform” dimension as a pivot to have the result splits for each OS.

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).

Note: Use the Platform filter if you want the results for mobile apps only.

Save your modifications as a Look or to a Dashboard by clicking on the cogwheel icon in the right top corner.


Look 3. Active users

This look shows how many users were active over the selected period.

Go to Shared spaces > Explore Glossary > Device events

Select your filters: Query parameters date range “is in the past” 7 days // User Detail > Platform Filter “is equal to” IOS or Android // Device Events Event Type Filter “is” App session // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional)

Select your dimension and measure: Event date > Date // App session count

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).

Save your modifications as a Look or to a Dashboard by clicking on the cogwheel icon in the right top corner.


Look 4. New users

This built-in Look gives information about unique users that opened your app for the first time. By default, the date range is set to 7 days. You can find it under the Lifecycle tab.

You can choose to activate more filters to have a better understanding of the number of new users for each platform. Hover over the report you wish to explore, click the three-dots, and then select “explore from here”

You can now save your modifications on the provided dashboard as a Look or to a Dashboard by clicking on the settings icon in the right top corner.


Look 5. Uninstalls

This provided dashboard gives information about the number of times the app was uninstalled by a user (excludes billing decayed devices). By default, the date range is set to 7 days. Go to Airship reports > Lifecycle tab.

You can choose to activate more filters to have a better understanding of the uninstalls. To do so, click on 3 buttons “explore from here” in the top right corner of the report.

You can now save your modifications on the provided dashboard as a Look or to a Dashboard by clicking on the settings icon in the right top corner.



Look 6. Sendings

This dashboard shows how many sendings have been accounted for over a given period of time

Go to Shared spaces > Explore Glossary > Engagement

Select your filters: Query parameters date range “is not null” or choose a specific date range // Message delivery Message type filter “is” Multiple // Message Type Sub Filter “is” XXX // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional)

Select your dimension and measure: Total Delivery // Impression count

Afterward, you just have to choose the most relevant visualization for you.

You can now save your modifications as a Look or to a Dashboard by clicking on the settings icon in the right top corner.


Customized Dashboard Review 

All our looks are now created and provide you with a complete dashboard on your application’s performance. This dashboard includes every item available on the Accengage home page. You can also add many more dimensions, measures and filter to create looks and dashboards fitting your needs.
In addition, you have the possibility to export your looks and dashboards and even schedule recurrent exports. If you want to learn more about Performance Analytics exports, please read our Introduction to Performance Analytics article or check our technical documentation.


Please feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions regarding this topic.


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