When submitting a ticket relating to a Xamarin crash or similar issue, we will need a list of information to be included in your support ticket in order for our escalation teams to look into the issue.
Please provide the following information when submitting a ticket relating to a Xamarin crash:
- iOS:
- App Key
- Fully symbolicated crash logs and any verbose console logs
- Your AirshipConfig.plist file
- The Application Delegate where you call takeOff.
- Any particular device models and iOS versions that are experiencing the crash versus those that are not.
- Android:
- Full stack traces, as well as any logs from your logcat.
- Your AndroidManifest.xml file.
- Your airshipconfig.properties file.
- The code from the section of your application where you call takeOff, and whether you are doing this anywhere other than the main application class.
- Any particular device models and Android OS versions that are experiencing the crash versus those that are not.
- How often is this crash occurring? For example, how many times the crash has been reported vs. how many installs your application has.
- When is the crash occurring? On launch? When a notification is received? Some other time?
- What are the steps to reproduce the crash? Outline the steps to reproduce the problem.
- What version of the component is in use? Is it reproducible with the latest version from our Xamarin Platform page?
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